
P4G Call for Partnerships

P4G is now accepting applications for partnerships working on climate mitigation or adaptation solutions in the areas of food, energy and water. Partnerships must comprise at least one early-stage business and one nonprofit organization implementing in one of P4G’s ODA-eligible partner countries: Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa and Vietnam. Applicants must provide services or products that contribute to poverty alleviation, gender equity and economic growth in one of the following sub-sectors: climate-smart agriculture, food loss and waste, water resilience, zero emission mobility and renewable energy.


P4G partnerships will receive grants of USD 350,000 on average to implement in a period of 18-24 months. They will also benefit from technical assistance, including due diligence and gap analysis of partnership business models, political engagement for contributing to enabling systems, business matchmaking sessions, knowledge mobilization and communication, and introductions to intermediary investment facilities providing a finance bridge to scale partnership operations.


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