How to Prepare for Stakeholder-Centric Impact Management in 2022?
Impact measurement and management (IMM) provides an excellent opportunity for organizations to understand their social impact. However, despite numerous standards and frameworks emerging in the last decade, none provide concrete directions on continuously improving social impact.
It is impossible to determine true impact by simply defining metrics. In addition, metrics-based reports are often nothing more than a marketing exercise that ignores stakeholder-driven outcome management. Consequently, social purpose organizations and programs that benefit stakeholders do not focus on actual outcome-based strategies-instead, they lower standards with minimum output reporting to investors.
You can make continuous product/service improvement decisions based on stakeholder feedback with impact management. Unfortunately, most organization impact measurement and management processes have stale or NOT meaningful impact data.
Topics of the discussion are,
1) What is stakeholder-centric Impact Management?
2) How to systematically identify, prioritize, and learn core outcomes?
3) How is impact management new business intelligence?
4) Importance of autonomous and continuous data pipelines to connect different sources of data to understand the impact
5) Bringing it all together through impact-focused dashboards
Thank you.
Time: 8:00 AM PT
Location: Virtual
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022