
NextBillion publishes free ads for business development opportunities available to enterprises working in low- and middle-income countries. These may include accelerators, competitions, funding opportunities, incubators, requests for proposals, and training courses. To submit an ad, click on the “Submit BizDev Opportunity” button above.

training courses/ bizdev
This 5-week ESG Bootcamp is a call to action for innovators, developers, data scientists, and tech enthusiasts who want to drive sustainability, equity, and ethical governance with their skills.
Organization: Tech4GoodAfrica
Location: Global
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accelerator / bizdev
Funding - grants (up to $40,000), a total amount of 850,000 USD provided to the best-performing Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).
Organization: Tadamon (IsDB, ISFD, UNDP)
Location: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, the State of Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, or Yemen
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funding / bizdev
WiDEF invites local Indian entities to apply for funding to scale a solution that significantly enhances the digital inclusion of women.
Organization: Women in the Digital Economy Fund
Location: India
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funding / bizdev
The Power Africa “‘Energy Talent Development - West Africa’ (ETD-WA)” activity (thereafter “the Activity”) will work with local institutions to encourage West Africa’s transition to a more sustainable low-carbon energy system.
Organization: USAID
Location: West Africa
Opportunity Type:
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competition / bizdev
GRP, together with Shockwave Foundation and Munich Re Foundation, invite agricultural innovators in East Africa to apply for the Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) challenge.
Organization: Global Resilience Partnership, Shockwave Foundation, Munich Re Foundation
Location: East Africa
Opportunity Type:
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NextBillion curates and publishes business development opportunities available to enterprises working in low- and middle-income countries. These may include accelerators, competitions, fellowships, funding opportunities, incubators, requests for proposals, and training courses. Our staff sources many of these items, but readers can submit items of their own. To submit an opportunity, click on the “Submit BizDev Opportunity” button above.


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