NextBillion publishes both original and aggregated content to support the development through enterprise sector. All our services are free of charge, and all our content is free of paywalls.
Original Content
Our original content consists of guest-written articles submitted by entrepreneurs, investors, researchers and others working in low- and middle-income countries, along with occasional interviews with executives and other thought leaders, conducted via email. We edit these articles rigorously, and promote them extensively on our social networks and weekly e-newsletter – our Writers’ Guidelines describe the process in detail.
Contact our editor if you would like to discuss or submit an original article.
Aggregated Content
Though the vast majority of our original articles are focused on for-profit businesses and investments, our aggregated content also regularly focuses on NGOs, philanthropies and other non-profit development sector entities – particularly those that engage the business sector. We promote these items on our social networks, and feature some in our e-newsletter. Our aggregated content includes:
- A BizDev page, with links to accelerators, competitions, funding offers, requests for proposals and other business development opportunities available to enterprises working in low- and middle-income countries. Fill out this form to submit an opportunity.
- A newsfeed featuring brief excerpts and links to external articles and press releases curated by our staff: Fill out this form to submit a news item.
- A calendar featuring conferences, webinars and other development sector events: Fill out this form to submit a calendar event.
- A jobs board featuring positions across the development sector. Fill out this form to submit a job.
We look forward to working with you!