
Demand- Side Subsidies Results-Based Financing Programme


The Demand-Side Subsidies (DSS) Results-based Financing (RBF) Programme aims to address the affordability barrier to accessing Off Grid Solar Products (OGS) and improved cookstoves (ICS) for people in ultra-poor, vulnerable settings who would otherwise not be reached by commercial suppliers or existing public initiatives. The DSS RBF will target the “poorer” and “poorest” income categories of Malawians as defined in the Unified Beneficiary Registry (UBR). Participating companies/NGOs (herein referred to as technology suppliers) will receive incentives for each verified sale of a solar home system (SHS) and/or improved cookstove (ICS) to an eligible household in the following districts: Balaka, Dedza, Nkhata Bay and Salima. The incentives will be paid when sales have been reported and independently verified.


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