
GET Compass

The GET Compass is a grant program that supports small and medium-scale businesses. Get up to 2 million Naira in Grant which enables you to scale up and also facilitates programs that would give you the expertise to carry out your business processes better.


  • To support small-scale businesses that need credit to scale up financially.
  • Educate business owners on how to make their business processes better.
  • Issue a grant that would aid businesses in Expansion, Capitalization, Processing and Business Development.


Eligibility requirements

  • Business owners must be 18 years of age and Above.
  • Business must not be more than 3 years old.
  • Must be available to attend a 2-week workshop in Lagos.
  • Must be a registered operating business. For example, either registered business name, local government registration, C.A.C, amongst others.
  • Must show evidence of making business a going concern


To Apply for this grant. Click The Application Link


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