4th Annual Asia Pacific Microfinance Forum


Microfinance grown rapidly as a tool to help entrepreneurs from under-represented and disadvantaged group’s access start-up financing. After pandemic, we are curious about the economic impact and status of Microfinance Institutions and its consumers. The leading market speakers and key players will come together to share their case study, expertise and knowledge.

UniGlobal’s 4th Annual Asia Pacific Microfinance Forum will cover a wide range of topics that’s relevant in the current market trends. This forum will bring a high quality sessions and excellent networking opportunities for the Financial Institutions and Investors. Maximizing interactivity and engagement after all the restrictions and chaos that happened for the past years. Gaining positive impacts and exclusive insights from the top leaders in the industry.

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dates: October 17, 2023 - October 18, 2023