Driving Climate Finance After COVID-19
Over the course of the past six months, a lot has changed for very many businesses and organizations, as well as for the environment and the climate. We have all had to learn how to re-adjust and re-invent the way we interact with each other. This means that a lot of in person events and conferences have had to be postponed and even cancelled. Because our organization is involved in fundraising efforts for projects around the world, we felt it opportune to work together with other organizations to discuss and learn new ways of defining climate finance, and the ever so difficult topic of carbon markets and carbon pricing. Also because climate finance and the green economy is becoming a key drivers to ensure we take the necessary steps to safeguard our planet.
On this note, we are excited to initiate a three months virtual series in conjunction with Africa Youth Panel and Citizen’s Climate Lobby, featuring practitioners and experts from around the world who will be sharing their experience navigating financing at the grassroots level and advocating for increased support for policies focused on growing a green economy. We invite you to attend these webinars with the very first one taking place this Friday, 19th June at 10:00am EST/ 14:00UTC.
This Friday at 14:00 UTC there will be a virtual discussion on Driving Finance After COVID-19, the first of six webinar series. The session will be live-streamed on YouTube at this link: https://tinyurl.com/
Location: Virtual
Date: Friday, June 19, 2020