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  • Mozambique President Armando Guebuza Unveils The Newly Branded ’Zambique’ Cashew Nut for Export to U

    Effective U.S. Foreign Assistance Program Underscores Benefits of Win-Win Public-Private Linkages with African Entrepreneurs President Armando Guebuza of Mozambique, leading U.S. government officials, and TechnoServe today unveiled a newly branded cashew nut, Zambique, for its first export sale to a U.S. buyer, Suntree. This brand launch and new business-linkage demonstrates how targeted U.S. f...

    Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Fair-Trade Coffee Boost: Calvert Foundation Distributes Starbucks Investment Aiding Nearly 25,000 La

    One Year After Investment: Pre-Financing Used to Make Possible the Sale of Over 22.3 Million Pounds of Coffee, Improve Circumstances for Small Coffee Farmers One year after the Starbucks Coffee Company invested $1 million to support Latin American coffee farmers, the Calvert Foundation reported today that it so far has recycled those funds into $2.7 million worth of loans to coffee cooperatives, b...

  • Grading scheme for microfinance institutions

    Rating agency Crisil and the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) today announced launch of a grading scheme for micro-finance institutions (MFIs). As part of the MFI grading scheme, Nabard will reimburse banks the grading fees paid to Crisil. The scheme will be operational initially for a year. The scheme will support the grading of those MFIs having a loan outstanding between Rs 50 lakh and Rs 5 crore. ?Barring a few, most MFIs are u...

    Business Standard
  • Glaxo and IAVI partner to develop AIDS vaccine

    GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (GSK Biologicals) and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) today announced a public-private partnership to develop an AIDS vaccine using a promising new technology. The collaboration - the first-ever in AIDS vaccine research between IAVI and a major vaccine company - will facilitate early research and development of GSK’s non-human primate adenovirus vaccine vector as an enabling component of an effective AIDS vaccine. Under the agreement, ...

    Medical News Today
  • The lives of about 50,000 human beings, mostly children, are cut short every day by avoidable poverty-related causes. These account for one third of all human deaths - 18 million every year. Hundreds of millions more suffer grievously from such avoidable medical conditions. The lives of even more are shattered by severe illnesses or premature deaths in their families. These medical problems strain the economies of many poor countries, thereby perpetuating their poverty which in turn contributes...

  • Keke Has Given Hope To Many, by Nsikan Essien

    Alban Ofili-Okonkwo, Executive chairman of Autobahn Techniques Limited, is an ardent proponent of mass empowerment as a tool for wealth creation. This belief he has given practical expression through his Keke Nigeria Project, the first phase which has brought to fruition the Keke NAPEP initiative. At the last count, the Keke NAPEP initiative has seen the Obasanjo administration purchasing about four thousand ...

  • Uganda Telecom targets rural areas for growth

    The heat in the telecommunication sector is high with players targeting virgin areas with new products. Bamuturaki Musinguzi asked Uganda Telecom Marketing Manager, Mr Hans M.F. Paulsen on the latest developments in the industry. How much have you invested since privatisation in 2000? Upon privatisation of Uganda telecom, we had to transform the company from a single provider into a competitive telecommunications provider with a wide range of services. To achie...

    The Monitor
  • GTZ And Chiquita Form New Public-Private Partnership In Costa Rica

    The German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and Chiquita Brands International are launching a new public-private partnership (PPP) initiative ? the Nogal Nature and Community Project ? in Costa Rica. The aim of this initiative is to preserve biodiversity, promote nature conservation awareness among the local population and create new sources of income for the people. On a Chiquita farm on the banks of the R?o Sucio in nort...

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