October 12

Analysis: Digital Generation, Our Generation: Girls Need Access to Digital Devices and Services

On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, millions of girls are coming together with organisations like UNICEF to call to close this digital gap and accelerate opportunities for girls. This is an essential step to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Today, 2.2 billion people below the age of 25 still do not have internet access at home and girls are more likely to be cut off. Even if the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically accelerated the use of digital platforms for learning, earning and connecting people, many children are still suffering from that digital gap. Girls in particular are less likely than boys to have access to digital devices and gain tech-related skills and jobs.

On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, millions of girls are coming together with organisations like UNICEF to call to close this digital gap and accelerate opportunities for girls. This is an essential step to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Photo courtesy of UN Women/Emad Karim.

Source: Daily News Egypt (link opens in a new window)

accelerators, digital inclusion, SDGs, youth