Mapping Reveals Earth’s Best Sites for Wind, Solar Power
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thousands of megawatts of new renewable energy potential in Africa, Asia, South and Central America have been discovered through the multi-million dollar project, called the Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment (SWERA).
First results from the project were released today at an international meeting of scientists and policymakers organized by UNEP, which is coordinating the renewable resource assessment on behalf of more than 25 institutions.
“In developing countries all over the world we have removed some of the uncertainty about the size and intensity of the solar and wind resource,” said Toepfer. “These countries need greatly expanded energy services to help in the fight against poverty and to power sustainable development. SWERA offers them the technical and policy assistance to capture the potential that renewable energy can offer,” he said.
Story found here.
Source: Environment News Service