Company to Create Global Network of Health Centers That Accept Cryptocurrency

Monday, July 30, 2018

By Connor Blenkinsop

Although life expectancies around the world are soaring, BitVit argues that many of these extra years are dominated by sickness for too many years. Research cited in its white paper suggests German women can currently expect to live until they are 83, but only 72 of those years will be in good health. For men the average lifespan is 78 years, with nine of them blighted by sickness.

BitVit hopes to offer a “holistic solution” which would involve creating an intellectual exchange among industry experts and scientists, with their expertise then being shared with the public. It is hoped that future generations will be “more knowledgeable and healthier as a result.”

At the heart of its concept will be Yllasports centers. As well as being able to rent sports equipment such as bicycles and receive training from former professional athletes, the company plans to offer an array of activities at these centers including yoga, Pilates, Zumba, cardiovascular training and specialist lessons for seniors.

Photo courtesy of Andy Miah.

Source: Cointelegraph (link opens in a new window)

Health Care, Technology
blockchain, cryptocurrency