April 30

Ethiopia Overhauls Its Education System With IOHK Blockchain Partnership

By Darren Parkin

Global blockchain research and development company IOHK has announced a unique partnership with the government of Ethiopia.

The link-up will implement a blockchain-based national student and teacher ID and attainment recording system to digitally verify grades, remotely monitor school performance and boost nationwide education and employment.

IOHK’s Atala PRISM ID will enable authorities to create a tamper-proof record of educational performance for five million students, 3,500 schools and 750,000 teachers to pinpoint the locations and causes of educational under-achievement while targeting educational resources effectively.

The aim is to give all students blockchain-verified digital qualifications that reduce fraudulent university and job applications and increase social mobility by allowing potential employers to verify all grades without third-party agencies.
Photo courtesy of kcelsner.

Source: City A.M. (link opens in a new window)

Education, Technology
blockchain, digital identity, edtech