Forus Health’s 3nethra Neo to screen premature babies for eye condition

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

BENGALURU: Lightweight, easily portable, handheld, rugged and highly cost effective is how one would describe the 3nethra Neo, a Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) imaging platform, developed by Bengaluru based Forus Health. 3nethra Neo screens prematurely born babies who could potentially have retinopathy of prematurity, a condition wherein abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina, the layer in the eye that enables us to see.

This condition can result in permanent blindness of the child, if not detected and treated very early. “The real motivation was to save the eyes of a baby. You are also touching a very important emotional quotient of the parent. As for the business case, there was only one player, we felt there was a need for our product,” said K Chandrasekhar, CEO of Forus Health.

Forus Health had won the Social Enterprise award in last year’s ET Startup Awards.The journey of creating a medical device is an arduous one. For 3nethra Neo, the journey began four years ago. A new team with close to a dozen members was formed to work on the device.

Source: Economic Times (link opens in a new window)

Health Care, Technology
healthcare technology, public health