Fundraisers wolfing down new challenge

Thursday, July 24, 2008

FORRES people who are “hungry” for an exciting charity challenge and don’t want to venture too far from home can sign up for the very first WildHearts Wolf Charity Trek, which will include part of the Dava Way.

The event, which is taking place on the weekend of August 9-10, traversing parts of Moray and the Highlands, aims to raise cash for “WildHearts” a Nairn-based charity dedicated to helping people living in poverty around the world to help themselves.

Forres organiser Karis Petrie said that the 45-mile hike will see participants set off from Dallas Dhu Distillery, Forres, and venture through some of Scotland’s most stunning scenery, including ancient Caledonian forests, before the final stage of a trek up to the ski station on spectacular Cairngorm Mountain.

As the walk has been broken up into three sections, of approximately fifteen miles each, fundraisers can choose to do just one of these.

Giving the hike a unique twist along the way, daring participants will encounter the eerie and spine-chilling Dava Moor by moonlight – home of the Wolf of Badenoch, the infamous medieval tyrant, whose ruined castle is rumoured to be haunted.

The challenge will climax with a reception at the UK’s highest bar, at Cairngorm Mountain’s ski station, where participants will be able to recover from their efforts with a fantastic team celebration.

The event will provide an ideal team-building opportunity for businesses, while also appealing to outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy exploring some of the most breathtaking scenery in Scotland.

There are a number of options available for teams to complete the route. While the more extreme and adventurous will have the opportunity to tackle the whole 45-mile trek, which will involve undertaking a section of the course overnight, the three 15-mile stages also allow teams to attempt the course in a relay effort.

There is also an option to sample a “bite-sized” version of the trek by simply completing the first stage from Forres, arriving on the shores of ghostly Lochindorb at midnight.

Event organiser Mick Jackson is urging organisations throughout the UK to take part in what he believes will be a truly hair-raising and hugely enjoyable event.

“Those taking part in our first Wolf Trek are in for a unique, challenging and exhilarating experience,” he said.

“As well as presenting an awesome challenge, the route will take participants’ breaths away as they sample some of Scotland’s most stunning scenery.”

Mick, who recently won the Top Scot accolade at the prestigious Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland awards for his business and philanthropic efforts, said all money raised will be used in the fight against poverty.

“As well as enjoying an extremely rewarding and truly unforgettable challenge,” he said, “those taking part will make a real difference to the lives of thousands of people living in poverty.”

WildHearts provides microfinance to the poor in countries such as Ghana, enabling them to start small businesses and so work their way out of poverty with self-respect and dignity.

Registering to complete the full 45-mile trek costs ?60 per person, while for participants tackling the challenge as part of a relay team and completing a single, 15-mile stage, the cost of entering is ?25.

Participants are being encouraged to raise ?100 for WildHearts to assist the charity’s efforts in helping people in the developing world start small businesses and work their way out of poverty.

To register for the Wolf Trek, or for more information about the challenge, visit or call 01667?451831.

Source: Forres Gazzette (link opens in a new window)