June 29

Independent Research Confirms Value of Bayer’s Smallholder Farming Initiatives

Bayer’s projects in India, Bangladesh, Kenya, and Mexico/Honduras improve growers’ income and quality of life significantly, new analysis confirms / Majorities of around 70 to 90 percent of smallholder farmers surveyed report positive social benefits since joining the projects / Impact measurement to complement Bayer’s assessment of smallholder reach

Smallholder farmers say livelihoods have improved after participating in initiatives led by life sciences company Bayer. This is the result of research by independent social impact measurement company 60 Decibels on four Bayer smallholder projects in India, Bangladesh, Kenya, and Mexico/Honduras. In each of the four surveys, a clear majority of participants states that the programs have increased their yields and farming income and improved their way of farming as well as their quality of life, ranging from around 70 percent in Mexico and Honduras to around 90 percent in Kenya.

Photo courtesy CIAT.

Source: Bayer (link opens in a new window)

Agriculture, Technology
impact measurement, MSMEs, smallholder farmers