Loans for solar systems make power affordable in rural Kenya
Thursday, August 17, 2017
It is early evening in Ndabibi village in Naivasha, and there are threatening clouds overhead. Kenneth Njoroge quickly parks his motorcycle by the mud structure that serves as his kitchen and rushes into the main house before the rain starts pounding.
Until recently, Njoroge’s home northwest of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, was poorly lit at night. Most people in Ndabibi are not connected to mains electricity, and rely on kerosene or small solar lamps to light their homes.
But one month ago, the 55-year-old father of seven decided to stop using kerosene. A loan from a micro-finance institution has made it possible for him to invest in a solar power system for his home.
The credit is part of a scheme being rolled out across the country to provide asset financing for families not connected to the main power grid.
Source: Reuters (link opens in a new window)
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