MetLife Foundation Is Proud to Present Its 2016 Annual Report

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

When MetLife Foundation launched our financial inclusion strategy in 2013, the financial inclusion industry was beginning to show that a well-coordinated global effort could produce impressive results. We saw that more than 2 billion people lacked access to formal financial services. But we also saw how steadily that gap was being closed. Financial services providers, investors, donors, regulators, and many other parties were collaborating to bring more and better financial services to massive numbers of unserved or underserved people. Digital technology was making it possible to expand financial service as never before, even to geographically isolated and very low-income communities.

MetLife Foundation is deeply encouraged by the progress that the industry is making globally and in individual markets. While we know that there is still much work ahead, we look forward to a future that is financially secure for all.

Source: Met Life Inc. (link opens in a new window)

financial inclusion, fintech, global development, microfinance