Keya Sarkar: Micro finance awards tell a story
Friday, February 24, 2006
Keya Sarkar
To me, these efforts by a small fund like Aavishkaar or a similar micro entrepreneur award set up by a large bank like Citigroup are all pointers to the fact that micro entrepreneurs are going to be increasingly in focus. And if funding is available it is bound to spawn a whole variety of service providers which will enable these na?ve, rural, micro entrepreneurs to get ready for funding.
(…)All services that are required for the mainstream venture fund industry will be required for funding micro ventures. As banks have realised that small loans are profitable, they will realise that risk capital in small amounts can be remunerative.
To read the full article click here.
To see some projects funded by Aavishkaar click here, here, and here.
Source: Business Standard (India) (link opens in a new window)