June 2

Viewpoint: Minigrids Are a Missing Piece of the Integrated Electrification Puzzle

By Benjamin Attia, Caitlin Connelly, and Isaac Maze-Rothstein

Whether booming off-grid power demand in emerging markets is met with grid extension or distributed renewables will be central to the growth story of the global clean-power sector.

As the technological and financial tool kit for providing affordable, reliable, appropriate and clean power to every household and business continues to expand, deployments of off-grid, decentralized, renewable energy systems will take an increasingly larger bite out of present and future power demand on the grid in countries that represent over one-third of the world’s population.

On-grid and off-grid power service offerings will increasingly see convergence as next-generation distributed energy service companies continue to evolve and scale. Because the future grid will be increasingly renewable, low-cost, digitally managed and, eventually, demand-following, the diffusion of off-grid systems is still highly interrelated with the rest of the grid.

Photo courtesy of cowins

Source: Greentech Media (link opens in a new window)

Energy, Environment
renewable energy