Mobile Industry Reports Increasing Impact Across all SDGs

Friday, December 7, 2018

By Catherine Benson Wahlén

The third edition of the Mobile Industry Impact Report finds that the mobile industry’s impact has increased across all 17 SDGs, with mobile operators aligning activities with the SDGs and integrating the SDGs into their core values, strategies and services. The report, produced by GSMA, emphasizes the mobile industry’s commitment to leverage the power of mobile networks and the services they provide to accelerate achievement of the SDGs.

GSMA represents the interest of mobile operators around the world, including more than 750 mobile operators with over 350 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem. The ‘2018 Mobile Industry Impact Report: Sustainable Development Goals’ from GSMA Intelligence finds that more than two-thirds of the global population are now connected to mobile technology. The authors argue that mobile is a powerful tool for achieving the SDGs, including reducing poverty (SDG 1), improving health care (SDG 3) and education (SDG 4) and driving sustainable economic growth (SDG 8). According to the report, countries with high levels of mobile connectivity have made the most progress is meeting SDG commitments; in other words, “quality of life improves as people gain access to mobile technology.”

Photo courtesy of Ava Systems.

Source: IISD SDGs (link opens in a new window)

fintech, global development, SDGs