Mobile Phone Health Saving Plan Launched for Low-Income Kenyans

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

In Kenya nearly half of all healthcare expenditures are paid for out-of-pocket. This means half of Kenyans have no health insurance or access to mechanisms to pay for basic healthcare.

The burden is carried by low income Kenyans, with poor mothers and young children being particularly vulnerable. So for most Kenyans a trip to the Doctor can create a real financial strain. And it can have a knock-on effect on employment, even leading to some opting to sell some of their belongings just to pay for basic care.

In what has been crafted to change this trend, CarePay, PharmAccess and Safaricom have joined hands to come with a mobile wallet which allow users to send, save and receive funds to access healthcare services using their mobile phones.

“M-TIBA as it is known is a simple and powerful tool for healthcare savings, payments and bonus schemes. This combined offering has been really popular with Nairobians. And each week we are adding more clinics in more areas, so more Kenyans can take control of their healthcare,” says Michiel Slootweg, CEO, CarePay

Source: The Standard (link opens in a new window)

Health Care, Technology
healthcare technology