Mobile phones ring changes for world’s poor, by Shafiq Alam
Thursday, April 21, 2005
With just four calls from a mobile phone, remote Bangladeshi farmer Mir Jahid Hussein can now ensure he gets the best price for his seasonal jute seeds — something he could once only dream of.
As it is for tens of millions of poor rural-dwellers in developing countries from Bangladesh to Botswana, mobile phone technology is revolutionising Hussein’s life for the better, enabling him to cut out cheating middlemen and deal directly with buyers from district markets.
What 10 years ago was mostly a trendy gadget for savvy urbanites in wealthier countries, is now a vital tool of trade in some of the world’s most remote areas, many of which had never previously had access to landlines or other means of long distance communication.
Story found here.
Source: Sify