Money20/20 Launches Rise Up Program to Foster Gender Inclusivity Within the Financial Services & Fintech Industries

Friday, July 20, 2018

By Samantha Hurst

On Wednesday, Money20/20 announced the upcoming launch of Rise Up, a program that was created in an effort to foster gender inclusivity within both the financial services and fintech industries. According to Money20/20, Rise Up is also designed to empower the next generation of female leaders through actionable skills, tools, and learning in order to take their careers to the next level. Rise Up will launch during the Money20/20 USA event in Las Vegas. 

Money20/20 reported that a cohort of 30 women will be hand-chosen to take part, complete with a series of bespoke content sessions and exclusive networking opportunities. Each of the participants will have one-to-one mentoring with the most respected industry leaders and private sessions with keynote speakers. The Rise Up program will run throughout the event’s four days alongside regular event programming.

Photo courtesy of pixelfusion3d.

Source: Crowdfund Insider (link opens in a new window)

digital payments, fintech, gender equality, mobile finance