Nonprofits Fret as Clinton Foundation Plans to Transfer Programs
Friday, September 9, 2016
Clinton Foundation President Donna Shalala said Wednesday that the organization has largely solidified plans to terminate, reconstitute, or hand off the bulk of its international programs if Hillary Clinton is elected president. It would be a major undertaking — the political context is without precedent, for starters — and has some nonprofit leaders worried.
“I think that this whole thing is going to work or not work depending on how good they are going to be at transferring these relationships,” said Carine Roenen, head of Fonkoze Foundation in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which has worked with the Clinton Foundation. “If they really do it well, they can actually start working with and find other intermediaries who could pick up some of the work that it has been doing. Probably not all of it.”
Ms. Shalala, who took the helm of the operating foundation in June 2015, said she and colleagues are moving through its portfolio program by program to ensure, where possible, continuity of services and financial support from donors. They have a strategy for “90 percent of the portfolio that we believe needs to be transitioned,” she said.
“We will be making announcements as we’re going along,” Ms. Shalala said during a telephone interview with The Chronicle. “But we have to be very careful because we shouldn’t be presumptuous about the campaign. We’re not that arrogant.”
Source: Chronicle of Philanthropy (link opens in a new window)