Press Release: PA Treasury Announces $100 Million Impact Investing Initiative

Friday, November 4, 2016

 Pennsylvania Treasurer Timothy A. Reese today announced the launch of a $100 million impact investment initiative that will provide the “double-bottom line” benefit of providing a competitive rate of return while supporting state investments in affordable housing, small business, health and educational facilities, and infrastructure projects. Treasury will invest the funds through RBC Global Asset Management’s (RBC GAM) Access Capital Community Investment Strategy which will design a portfolio of high-quality, securitized, fixed-income investments in Pennsylvania projects.

“I have two priorities as treasurer. The first is to safeguard and safely grow our state’s financial assets. The second is to find ways to use those assets to help drive Pennsylvania’s economy,” said Treasurer Reese. “Our impact investment initiative accomplishes both by earning a competitive rate of return while investing state funds in projects that positively affect Pennsylvania’s communities, businesses, schools and infrastructure.”

Since 1998, the RBC Access Capital Investment Strategy has developed a track record of working with governments and institutional investors to invest in customized U.S. agency guaranteed mortgage-backed securities and government-backed loans and municipal securities that support affordable rental housing, small businesses, healthcare, education and job creation targeted to low- and moderate-income residents and communities. As of September 30, 2016, the Access Capital Community Investment Strategy had more than US $910 million in assets under management.

Source: PR Newswire (link opens in a new window)

Impact Assessment, Investing