Prahalad’s Plan
Thursday, August 14, 2008
As the celebrations of India @60 wind down and as the national attention is consumed with problems of the moment?price of energy, inflation, debt relief to farmers, political realignment in the states?it is hard to focus attention on the future of India. The urgent is likely to drive out the important. Moreover, it is easy to get carried away by growth statistics of the past five years and feel ?we have arrived?.
Leadership, however, is about the future, about hope and change. Leaders must elevate the national debate and focus on the potential of India. A shared view of India@75, for example, can provide a framework for building a multi-stakeholder consensus and making choices that are directionally consistent with that goal. Unless we are clear about the potential, it is very difficult to undertake an arduous journey.
I believe that India has the potential to actively participate in shaping the emerging world order. This demands that India must acquire enough economic strength, technological vitality and moral leadership to do so. Just economic strength and technological maturity is not enough. We know that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had economic and technological muscle. They failed. Morality is an integral part of leadership. We should emphasise all three dimensions, in equal measure, in India?s march to Her destiny.
The potential of India
Let us imagine the potential of India without constraining ourselves by the record of India during the first 60 years of independence. In an important sense, India got her second freedom.the freedom to grow only during the early 1990s. Let us also not constrain our thinking by the problems of the present. Let us first imagine this future.
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