Press release: MetLife Foundation Announces Sponsorship of “Multipliers of Prosperity” for a Fourth Year
Friday, April 27, 2018
MetLife Foundation announced today its fourth year as sole sponsor of Multipliers of Prosperity, an award-winning online thought leadership platform developed in partnership with WSJ. Custom Studios. The online site facilitates a global conversation on the financial health of low- to moderate-income people, and showcases the innovative and important solutions being implemented by both nonprofit and private sector financial services providers.
According to the World Bank’s most recent Global Findex, more than two billion people lack access to basic financial tools like bank accounts, credit and insurance products. While access is arguably the first step to financial health, research conducted by the Center for Financial Services Innovation shows that 57 percent of American adults struggle with their financial health, despite having bank accounts. To improve their financial health, people need products and services that enable them to better manage their day-to-day cash flow, establish a financial cushion in case of emergency and be positioned to achieve their goals – whether to purchase reliable transportation, fund their children’s college education or take a family vacation.
Multipliers of Prosperity provides an in-depth look at the world of financial inclusion and health, and introduces readers to important organizations making breakthroughs that lead to a positive difference in the lives of millions of customers.
“Financial protection enables people to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. At MetLife, building financial protection for individuals, families and communities has always been a priority,” said Michel Khalaf, president of the U.S. Business and EMEA for MetLife and a member of MetLife Foundation’s Board. “The solutions developed by those organizations reaching low- and moderate-income communities are encouraging. We are proud to support the work of the Foundation’s partners as they leverage fintech, product and channel innovations and customer service to truly impact the financial health of millions of people around the globe.”
Dennis White, president and CEO of MetLife Foundation, added, “Multipliers of Prosperity puts a spotlight on the efforts of our grant partners and others in the financial health field that significantly advance financial inclusion and health in both developing and developed markets. We’re proud to share the insights from our partners and hope to inspire others to adapt and adopt these ideas, multiplying the effect of this work.”
Over the next few months, Multipliers of Prosperity will feature a mix of videos, articles, original photography and interactive storytelling. The platform has been enhanced to make it easier for visitors to explore content on the latest financial health and inclusion insights, programs and strategies from organizations around the world. Visit Multipliers of Prosperity at
MetLife Foundation is also the sole sponsor of The Financial Inclusion Challenge for the fourth year. The competition, which expanded this year from Asia to include the U.S., is led and managed by The Wall Street Journal and recognizes innovative, sustainable and scalable strategies that help low- and moderate-income populations improve their financial health. Finalists in the U.S. Challenge will be invited to attend a live event on May 9 in New York where the winner will be selected. To learn more about the Financial Inclusion Challenge, visit: