Ready for a Fight: Behind a Company’s Long Record of Activist Green Giving

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

By Tate Williams

High-end outdoor gear company Patagonia does not tread lightly when it comes to its environmentalist stances, especially since the 2016 election.

That’s put the firm in the spotlight, like the time it changed the company homepage to a black screen reading “The President Stole Your Land,” in response to the Trump administration shrinking national monuments in 2017. (It’s also suing the government over that decision.) Or consider the time right after the election, when the company made a remarkably rapid decision to donate 100 percent of its Black Friday sales.

The company has done it again, recently announcing it would donate the entire $10 million it saved as a result of the GOP’s corporate tax cut to environmental groups. And again, it didn’t mince words, with CEO Rose Marcario calling the tax break “irresponsible” and climate denial “just evil.”

Photo courtesy of Pavel Ahmed.

Source: Inside Philanthropy (link opens in a new window)

climate change, public policy