The Rise of the Young Social Entrepreneur

Monday, November 24, 2014

Entrepreneurship is about solving a problem, not starting a company. While this isn’t a new idea, today’s young entrepreneurs have the advantage of the Internet, which has collapsed time and distance barriers. This means problems solved locally can have immediate impacts globally—and that’s good for both people and business. A new generation of entrepreneurs is creating a new generation of technologies that are, quite literally, changing the world overnight.

Six years ago I founded the Kairos Society, an organization to help young entrepreneurs from around the world start high-impact, high-growth companies. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to bring together young people from more than 55 countries—and have been humbled by the results. Kairos has helped launch more than 150 companies tackling global challenges in health care, education, clean tech, cybersecurity and more. This experience has given me a perspective on the advantages that entrepreneurs under age 25 enjoy—and consider how my generation can pave the way for the next generation of innovators.

Source: CNBC (link opens in a new window)
