September 30

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship Announced Social Innovators of the Year 2020

Societal challenges require solutions from all actors, be the government or individual communities. Social innovation originates from these community actors, or social entrepreneurs, who are directly involved and have a local understanding of these challenges.

— Fadi Ghandour, Executive Chairman, Wamda Capital, Schwab awardee 2019.

Announcing the Social Innovators of the Year 2020

Geneva, 22 September 2020 – The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship today announced 23 awardees for social innovation in 2020.

From building hospitals in rural India, empowering Black-communities in Brazil, providing financial resources to last-mile communities in Ghana, harnessing 4IR technology to promote equity in education in South Africa, raising over 100 million USD for lower-income families in the USA, to breaking the glass ceiling in the public sector in Spain, the 2020 Social Innovators of the Year includes a list of outstanding founders and chief executive officers, multinational and regional business leaders, government leaders and recognized experts.

Photo courtesy of Chris Potter via Flickr.

Source: Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship (link opens in a new window)

global development, innovation