This Startup Wants to Get Cameroon Talking About Sex
Friday, October 28, 2016
“Many people in Africa lack access to basic information regarding sexual health because of the taboo that surrounds the topic.”
That’s according to Cameroonian entrepreneur Adamou Nchange Kouotou, founder of Africa Health Initiative – the creator of Kalanda app. He hopes to ensure teenagers and young adults in Cameroon have easy access to reliable information on sexual and reproductive health; rather than being put off from seeking help due to fear of talking about sex.
Kouotou launched Kalanda app in May 2015, rolling it out during a university sports festival at the University of Yaounde – it is his third startup, his previous two initiatives having failed.
“I’m much more proud of Africa Health Initiative than my first two startups because it addresses a very important issue in the life of people of my community.
Kalanda app allows users to send in questions related to sexual health via SMS, with an accurate reply – provided by healthcare professionals – provided within 24 hours. In addition, the app provides fertility services for women, via an SMS alert service, providing them with information and important dates about their fertility cycle throughout the month.
Source: Disrupt Africa (link opens in a new window)
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