Vaccine Reminder Company Tested in Developing World

Friday, August 28, 2015

A Cornellian’s nonprofit that helps parents in developing countries remember their children’s vaccination dates with bracelets has completed an initial study in Peru and Ecuador and is moving into trials and evaluations in three countries on three continents.

Alma Sana, founded by Lauren Braun ’11, is also in the midst of a crowdfunding campaign.

“The most rewarding part for me has been seeing the beaming pride on moms’ faces,” Braun said. “You can see how excited moms are to use the bracelets because, maybe for the first time ever, they are empowered with full understanding of their children’s vaccinations, and that knowledge enables them to be more engaged in their children’s health.”

Braun conceived the idea after spending the summer of 2009 as a volunteer at a rural health clinic in Peru, and she presented it on campus in the Entrepreneurship at Cornell’s 2011 Big Idea Competition. The social enterprise was awarded a $100,000 Gates Foundation grant in 2012 for initial field testing.


Source: Cornell Chronicle (link opens in a new window)

Health Care
healthcare technology, vaccines