Viewpoint: Why Foundations Should Step Up Their Game In Impact Investing

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

By Anne Field

There’s a growing number of people in the world of social entrepreneurship focused on not just building impact-oriented companies, but on creating a more fundamental systemic change.

With that in mind, 45 impact investors, researchers and others recently met at a two-and-a-half day pow-wow in Sheffield, Mass., to focus on one important piece of the puzzle: the role of philanthropy and foundations in creating what organizers Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and Impact Entrepreneur term an “impact  economy”. Their conclusions were recently published in a report called Philanthropy Transforming Finance: Building an Impact Economy.

“It’s not enough to build a business that is doing good in the world,” says Laurie Lane-Zucker, founder and CEO of Impact Entrepreneur. “We also need to create a business paradigm that reflects the same triple-bottom-line brain chemistry.”

Photo courtesy of reynermedia.

Source: Forbes (link opens in a new window)

corporate social responsibility, impact investing, philanthropy