What are the biggest problems for Indian healthcare system?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Indian healthcare system is a dilapidated state. The costs seem to raise everyday which makes it unaffordable for a large chuck of the population. Recently Indian Health Progress (IHP) organisation with support from PhRMa discussed what the Indian healthcare system desperately needs and the steps to improve it. Aman Gupta, Principal Advisory of IHP shares the key areas that need to be developed urgently.

According to Aman Gupta, “India is the second most populous country in the world and with an healthcare infrastructure that is over-burdened with this ever increasing population, a set of challenges that are unique to India arise.” He explains below:

“India faces the twin epidemic of continuing/emerging infectious diseases as well as chronic degenerative diseases.

The former is related to poor implementation of the public health programs, and the latter to demographic transition with increase in life expectancy. Economic deprivation in a large segment of population results in poor access to health care.

Source: The Times of India (link opens in a new window)

Health Care
financial inclusion, public health