
Morgan Babbs

Morgan Babbs
Co-founder and CEO at Colibrí

Morgan Babbs is the co-founder and CEO at Colibrí, which provides solar solutions to low-income, primarily off-grid households in Latin America. Colibrí, currently active in Nicaragua, has earned support from the D-Prize, the Davis Foundation, MassChallenge, the Hitachi Energy Prize, and was the first social enterprise to be voted into First Round Capital’s Dorm Room Fund. Colibrí is currently gearing up to offer full solar home systems on pay-as-you-go financing. Morgan is a graduate of Tufts University, where she was awarded the Presidential Award for Citizenship and Public Service and managed The Empower Program for Social Entrepreneurship, an annual $35,000 fund to allocate to student social impact ventures.

Articles by Morgan Babbs

  • Morgan Babbs

    Banking on the Unbanked: Assessing True ‘Creditworthiness’

    The combination of advanced fintech with off-grid solar solutions has been a winning combo for Colibrí, a social enterprise devoted to promoting energy access in rural Nicaragua. Its Fácil-Pago technology, powered by Angaza Design, has succeeded partly thanks to the business' approach to an often-difficult financial task: responsibly assessing the credit-worthiness of unbanked customers. Morgan Babbs, Colibrí founder and CEO, explains why the approach to calculating credit-worthiness has resulted in exceeding low default rates among other advantages.

    Energy, Finance
    financial inclusion, fintech, microfinance, off-grid energy
  • Morgan Babbs

    Your Cheap Solar Lamp is Garbage

    It’s easy to think of “the poor” in two-dimensional, homogenous terms and rattle off assumptions like "They’re poor people, aren’t they happy with anything?" or "Isn’t something better than nothing?" Incorrect. As the charity research organization SolarAid once put it, “The quickest way to fix a problem is the best,” and in most cases, that means quality.

    Energy, Technology
    Base of the Pyramid, solar
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