
Julia Entwistle
Graduate Student, the University of Michigan

Julia Entwistle is a graduate student at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability. Her area of interest is understanding how individuals and households respond to various environmental policies and programs. She is completing a master’s project evaluating the impact of an Ethiopian nonprofit’s environmental restoration programs, including tree planting, agriculture trainings, and bee keeping. Previously, she served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Liberia and has a B.S. from Rutgers University in Environmental Policy.

Articles by Julia Entwistle

  • Julia Entwistle

    Cash, Trees, Honey and Bees: Enticing Ethiopia’s Farmers Toward Eco-Stewardship

    In Ethiopia, use of herbicides as well as loss of habitat are causing a reduction in the local pollinator population, not unlike the global trend of pollinator decline that is threatening food security around the world. Julia Entwistle, a graduate student at the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability, details her summer internship with an organization trying to balance the interests of nature and farmers through profits.

    smallholder farmers
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