
Manju George
Global Leadership Fellow at the World Economic Forum

Manju George is a Global Leadership Fellow at the World Economic Forum and Community Lead at the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Switzerland. She manages the Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Social Innovation that focuses on advancing socially inclusive and innovative practices, especially within business.

Previously, she co-founded Intellecap, an India-based consulting and financial advisory firm that works on business approaches to solving societal challenges. While at Intellecap, she lead the firm’s corporate development activities and built its business consulting practice which advises and collaborates with a range of clients and partners – social entrepreneurs, corporations, multilaterals, investors and philanthropic foundations – in Asia and Africa. Prior to this, she worked at Kudumbashree, a poverty eradication and enterprise development initiative of one of the state governments in India. George holds degrees in Finance and Rural Management and was a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow on Social Innovation for 2013.

Articles by Manju George

  • Manju George

    How Your Company Can Become a Social Innovator

    The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Social innovation defines social innovation as “the application of innovative, practical, sustainable, market-based approaches to benefit society in general, and low-income or under-served populations in particular." Traditionally associated with social entrepreneurs, this tool is increasingly being adopted by business. This is a trend to be welcomed, supported and replicated as companies – big or small, multinational or national – can contribute to taking the practice of social innovation to a significantly larger scale.

    Impact Assessment, Social Enterprise
    corporate social responsibility
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