
Utibe Effiong
University of Michigan School of Public Health

After working as an internist in southern Nigeria, Dr. Utibe Effiong was inspired to look at the broader determinants of health and health care in the developing world. Nigeria’s booming oil industry accounts for more than 90 percent of the country’s earnings, but is also increasingly harmful to public health due to a series of environmental and occupational disasters.


Now specializing in environmental health and epidemiology, Effiong says he is working toward a future “where the exploitation of the earth’s energy resources does not hinder the development of our societies.” His interests also include preventing chronic diseases in developing countries, with a particular focus on diabetes, one of the fastest growing health challenges in Africa.

He is currently a research associate at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and an Aspen Institute New Voices Fellow.


Articles by Utibe Effiong

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