5th Annual Asia Pacific Microfinance Forum

Empowering Positive Trends: Green and Growth Forecast in APAC Region

The upcoming 5th Annual Asia Pacific Microfinance Forum aims to explore the theme of “Empowering Positive Trends: Green and Growth Forecast in the APAC Region.” As the world navigates through challenges posed by climate change and economic fluctuations, the Asia-Pacific region emerges as a pivotal player in fostering sustainable growth and financial inclusion.

Through this forum, stakeholders will delve into innovative strategies that leverage microfinance as a catalyst for both economic prosperity and environmental stewardship. By fostering dialogue and collaboration, the forum endeavors to identify actionable insights that empower communities, promote green initiatives, and forecast sustainable growth trajectories across the APAC region.

Location: Singapore

Dates: November 19, 2024 - September 20, 2024