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  • São Paulo - 2 Days
    November 27

    Sustainable Food Summit

    The aim of the Sustainable Foods Summit is to explore new horizons for eco-labels and sustainability in the food industry by discussing key industry issues. How are eco-labels, such as organic and fair trade, evolving in the food industry? With growing proliferation in labels, what are the prospects for a single sustainability standard for food products? What is the future outlook for plant-based foods? What developments are occurring in sustainable ingredients? How can food & beverage firms move away from single-use plastic packaging? How can operators close their material loops? Such questions are regularly addressed at this international series of summits.

    Since 2009, the Sustainable Foods Summit has been covering major developments in the food industry concerning sustainability and and eco-labels, such as Organic, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, etc. The 6th Latin American edition will be hosted in São Paulo on 28-29th November 2023. The European edition will be hosted in Amsterdam on 15-16th June, Asia-Pacific edition in Singapore on 4-5th September, whilst the North American edition will be in San Francisco on 24-26th January 2024.

    Conference, Speaker
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