How to Integrate Data for Multiple Programs and Investments?

In the digital age, data is more abundant than ever. Data silo is also actual for social sector organizations, from program activities/outputs to stakeholder feedback to donor interactions and volunteer engagement. With the wealth of data comes the challenge of making sense of it all. How can nonprofits with many programs learn from multiple data sources—whether it’s from surveys, learning management systems, or CRM platforms—to generate meaningful insights that drive their mission forward? Join us for a comprehensive webinar where we explore why and how nonprofits can leverage modern data integration techniques to create a unified data ecosystem for multiple programs, investments, or grantees. Empower your organization to move beyond manual data wrangling and towards a future where data-driven decisions lead to robust storytelling and reporting. Ready to break down data silos, integrate diverse datasets, and utilize analytics platforms to derive actionable insights? Join us. Why invest in data integration? Successful data integration keeps your organization ahead of the competition, both now and in the future, as data possibilities expand. Getting there, however, requires a combination of technical knowledge and an understanding of the organizational impact goal. Addressing these challenges could alter decision-making processes in operations, program funding and activities, and virtually every other department.

Location: Virtual

Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024