Young Women’s Financial Inclusion: What Works

Between the late teen and early adulthood years, many young women in low-income countries undergo critical transitions – leaving school, entering the workforce, marriage, motherhood – that shape not only the rest of their lives but often those of future generations as well. Research has shown that well-designed financial inclusion initiatives can help them successfully navigate these transitions. But what exactly does “well-designed” mean?

To answer this question, CGAP has compiled insights from two decades of industry experience showing how to offer customized financial inclusion strategies for different segments of young women. Join us to learn more about five key components of these strategies – product design, product delivery, financial capability building, social intermediation, and commercial viability – and hear firsthand practitioner perspectives on applying these strategies to reach young women at different stages of financial independence. Together, we will discuss how we can help more young women rise up the financial inclusion ladder.

Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST

Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024