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  • MicroEnergy Credits Corporation: Catalyzing Clean Energy for the BoP

    It is impossible to argue against the need for reliable energy at the BoP. Energy drives every facet of society, from nourishment to communication. According to the UNDP, at least 1.2 billion people suffer from energy poverty, which has profound impact on health, education, and livelihoods. ...

    Base of the Pyramid, renewable energy
  • Waste Not, Want Not as Villagers Pioneer Use of Biogas in Cambodia, by Ker Munthit

    Nget Loun’s rickety old thatched house is typical of Cambodia’s impoverished countryside, but it holds a surprise inside: a state of the art, environmental-friendly gas stove. Off the grid as far as most utilities are concerned, her household and 29 others in this village get a steady supply of clean energy from human and animal waste, using a device that not only makes cooking less of a chore, but also keeps their gardens flourishing and helps save the forests.

    Associated Press
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