Introducing Staff Writer Phil LaRocco
The team is proud to announce the addition of our newest member: Staff Writer Phil LaRocco.
Phil LaRocco is the founder of E+Co, the leading practitioner of the enterprise-centered model of investing in energy businesses in developing countries. Until his retirement in April 2009, LaRocco also served as E+Co’s Executive Director and CEO.
Since 1998, E+Co has invested in more than one hundred and fifty enterprises and mobilized more than $152 million of capital. These enterprises provide modern energy to 3.4 million people; save 462,000 tons of firewood and charcoal; displace $18 million of fossil fuel; and offset 13.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over the life of E+Co’s investments.
E+Co, a not-for-profit, public purpose investment company, has offices in Bolivia, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Ghana, the Netherlands, South Africa, Thailand and the United States.
LaRocco has over thirty years of international experience. Until 1990 he served as the Director of World Trade and Economic Development for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey with responsibility for the World Trade Center (NY), a network of trade development offices and a portfolio of industrial development and waste-to-energy projects. He was awarded the Port Authority’s Distinguished Service Medal in 1990.
Phil focuses on strategic planning, financing structures and the creation of practical, hands-on training materials for entrepreneurs, financial professionals, development practitioners and policy makers. More than 800 entrepreneurs in over thirty developing countries have been trained through the efforts of E+Co and its partner organizations.
LaRocco’s key qualifications and areas of expertise are the creation of innovative financial mechanisms; energy finance and analysis; SME business development and planning; public-private partnerships; capacity building for entrepreneurs; development of tools and training materials as well as teaching and training trainers; and global-regional energy analysis.
Welcome, Phil!
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