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  • Excerpt: So, is there fortune at the bottom of the pyramid? Fulton says to find this out and to also be able to best cater for this often misunderstood and under serviced market, marketers need to get personal experiences as to how those at the bottom of the pyramid live. ?Marketing managers need to live where the poor live. They need to, as part of their research, go into townships or informal settlements, spend extended time there to see what peop...

    MarketingWeb (link opens in a new window)
  • Public private partnerships pose challenges for companies, but those who persist can find their effo

    Cross-sector partnerships -- such as those between business and non-governmental organizations, or business and government -- are an increasingly popular way for companies to contribute to society. But making partnerships work can be difficult. Establishing clear rules of engagement and building trust is often a problem. Too often partnerships are more like sponsorship, with companies footing the bill for projects in which they are not closely involved. To be su...

    GreenBiz (link opens in a new window)
  • Kasoa (C/R), June 4, GNA - Mrs. Rose Newman, National Vice President of the Association of Rural Banks, has expressed concern about the refusal of the women groups and other customers to repay loans granted them under the micro-finance programme. She stated that the programme, was initiated by the government and the World Bank to help reduce poverty facing people in rural areas especially women and urged them not to throw the laudable idea out of gear. Mrs. Ne...

    Home Page Ghana (link opens in a new window)
  • Poisonous Tree Frog Could Bring Wealth to Tribe in Brazilian Amazon

    I came across this article in?last week’s New York Times and thought that it might be of interest.? ? Abstract: An indigenous group from th...

    The New York Times (link opens in a new window)
  • Innovation in nations such as India, with low cost operations and high levels of poverty, can be ada

    According to Prahalad, the secret to India’s corporate success is not just the low cost of labour. Instead, it is judicious use of capital investment, a hefty reliance on outsourcing, smart use of technology and creative cost-cutting practices - techniques which can be adapted to other parts of the world. Named by BusinessWeek as ’the most influential thinker on business strategy today’, Prahalad points to the ’bottom of the pyramid’ as the foundation for future bu...

    AME Info (link opens in a new window)
  • In a pilot program promoting stronger village involvement in poverty alleviation participating poorer communities in four provinces will themselves make local development decisions, manage funds, undertake smaller infrastructure projects and public service improvements. It’s a two-year community-driven development (CDD) program launched yesterday by China’s State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LG...

    Source (link opens in a new window)
  • All-Filipino team wins MIT entrepreneurship tilt

    A team composed of Filipino students and professionals bagged the top prize in the MIT $100K, an entrepreneurship content run by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The 17-year-old contest has facilitated the birth of over 60 companies with an aggregate value of 10.5 billion dollars, generated 1,800 jobs and 175 million dollars in venture capital funding. CentroMigrante won this year’s award with the idea of providing clean and affordable temporary hous...

    inq7.ent (link opens in a new window)
  • Over 30,000 families living below the poverty line in Asia?s largest slum at Dharavi may soon have insurance cover for their medical expenses and regular health check-ups, thanks to a unique care model. The scheme focuses on partnership between general physicians and the poor families through a health maintenance organisation (HMO), supported by a general insurance company and micro-financing institutions. A year?s research by actuaries has gone into the making of this model, b...

    Business Standard
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