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  • Why the Near East Foundation (NEF) Engages Women in Development

    Countries that promote women’s rights and increase their access to resources and schooling have lower poverty rates, faster economic growth and less corruption than countries that do not. Countries with smaller gaps between women and men in areas like education, employment, and property rights not only have lower child malnutrition and mortality, they also have more transparent business and government and faster econo...

    alertnet (link opens in a new window)
  • Can Technology Eliminate Poverty?

    Grameen Bank Founder Muhammad Yunus thinks so. And he explains why changing the world is a lot more fun than just making money. As a leading microfinance pioneer and advocate for the world’s poor, Muhammad Yunus has continued developing innovative approaches to alleviating poverty since granting his first loan in 1976. Since 1983, Grameen Bank, of which Yunus is founder and managing director, has lent $5.3 million to borrowers in Bangladesh, spawning replicated programs in more ...

    Business Week (link opens in a new window)
  • A project originally designed to bring Indian agricultural exporter ITC closer to its rural producti

    So there’s little question farmers have gained from the programme, but like any good business, ITC’s motives weren’t entirely altruistic. The company has invested a significant sum in the eChoupal project, so far installing well over 5,000 kiosks that, including extras like solar panels and batteries as well as additions to the company’s back-end architecture, cost an estimated US$5,000 apiece. But a smoother logistics chain and the ability...

    MIS (link opens in a new window)
  • Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net, the international proponent for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), has today announced a new global campaign to deliver tailored open source information to the poor, as a means of helping them lift themselves from poverty. C.K. Prahalad is a genius, and his book, ’The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid,’ is well-deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. His math is impeccable: 4 billion poor, with $1000 a year to spend on average, is...

    Yahoo Financial News (link opens in a new window)
  • Local entrepreneurs drive a major West African water program.

    A set of water and sanitation projects implemented by a well-funded water and sanitation program in Ghana, Mali and Niger has gone far beyond boreholes and pit latrines to improve public health. The efforts of 12 entities that have formed the West African Water Initiative broadened their community health goals with a variety of projects. Farmers are selling cat-sized rodents that are popular fare in big-city restaurants; women in fashionable boubous stand guard over standpipes along the roadsid...

    WorldView Magazine (link opens in a new window)
    Sub-Saharan Africa
  • “It is not a fringe business, it is half of the business.”

    Squeezed between tenements and a grinding dual carriageway, Unilever is building the future of its global business in the the biggest slum in Sao Paolo. The building is a splash of powder blue in a drab world of corrugated iron and grime. The Omo Community Laundry is a temple of cleanliness in the middle of Heliopolis, a notorious favela, or slum, that is home to 150,000 Brazilians. You could dismiss it as public relations, free washes for the unwashed. But it’s a lot ...

    The Times (link opens in a new window)
  • Mobile Phone: A Tool For Modern Fishermen In Ghana

    by Mawutodzi K. Abissath It is prudent to be guided by some of the thought-provoking African proverbs like this simple one: ?A child who has never traveled before tends to think that only his mother knows how to cook delicious soup.? --------- Long, long ago; and long before the Pyramids of Egypt were built and before Amenhotep IV a.k.a Akhenaton who was the first human being to proclaim monotheism or the concept of One God, passed through transition in 1350 B.C., traditional fi...

    mobile africa (link opens in a new window)
    Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Piramal set for intl R&D deals

    Andrew Jack And Khozem Merchant / Mumbai One of India’s leading pharmaceutical groups is set to sign a series of pioneering research and development agreements with large western groups, say executives. Swati Piramal, director of strategic alliances at Mumbai-based Nicholas Piramal, said senior delegations from leading multinational drugs companies had visited India in the past half-year, and some were set to announce collaborations with the company in a range of the...

    Business Standard (India) (link opens in a new window)
    South Asia
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