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  • Can Tourism Help South Africa’s Poor? by Leon Marshall

    Though far outranked by the manufacturing sector as a foreign-currency earner, tourism is a focal point of the country’s strategy to reduce its high unemployment rates. Economists estimate that one job is created for every ten foreign tourists who visit South Africa. Experts say tourism can be used as a development tool to bring the country’s poor into the economic mainstream. Story found he...

    National Geographic News
  • CFTRI to promote units in Africa

    Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has signed an MoU with Mysore-based Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) to promote small-scale food processing projects in African and Latin American countries.? According to T C Venkat Subramanian, CMD of Exim Bank, the technologies developed by CFTRI are most appropriate, adaptable and affordable for developing countries.? For overseas application of food technologies, CFTRI is bringing low cost long shelf life technologies....

    Business Standard
  • New Vaccine Said to Offer Hope Against Bacterium, by Donald G. McNeil Jr.

    A new vaccine tested in West Africa could save the lives of thousands of poor rural children who die each year from bacterial infections, a team of scientists reported yesterday. The vaccine is a strengthened version of Prevnar, which has been given widely to American infants since 2000 and prevents rare but serious infections with the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium. In the third world, the same germ is a major killer, and the new vaccine, tested in Gambia, exceeded our expe...

    The New York Times
  • China Flexes Economic Muscle Throughout Burgeoning Africa, by Karby Leggett

    In Africa, as in many other parts of the developing world, China is redrawing geopolitical alliances in ways that help propel China’s rise as a global superpower. China is courting other countries to support its plan to reassert political authority over Taiwan and seeking a counterweight against U.S. power in global bodies such as the United Nations. It’s also thinking long-term, cultivating desperately poor nations to serve as markets for its products decades down the road. ...

    The Wall Street Journal
  • On Poor Nations’ Most-Wanted List: Sustainable Approaches to Healthcare

    Governments and nonprofit aid organizations need to create a market for drugs, build better healthcare delivery systems, and keep trained medical personnel from leaving the developing world if they are to improve health in the world’s poorest countries, according to panelists who spoke at a Wharton Social Impact Management conference in January. Non-government organizations (NGOs) are considering a new approach to healthcare delivery that is based on human resources rat...

  • Soya beans, the “wonder crop” transforming lives

    They are calling it the wonder crop. Nutritious, cheap and easy to produce, the soya bean has transformed the lives of poverty-stricken smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe’s Mashonaland Central province. At least 16,500 farmers were introduced to soya bean production through a project established by the US-based non-profit organisation, Africare. The project, which began in 2000 in the northern part of the country, has taught production techniques to farmers from the districts o...

  • Paul Gilding: The profit motive is pure enough

    People concerned about environmental and social sustainability would be well served by the death of CSR. It needs to be replaced by a far more market-focused approach, a more Darwinian sustainability that sees environmental and social trends as opportunities for growth and competitive advantage. Article available here. ...

    The Australian
  • Bringing IT to Rural India One Village at a Time, by Gunjan Bagle

    Imagine that you live in the village of Siroha, located just 25 miles from Kanpur, the largest city in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. Your son has moved to Delhi for a job with the GE call center serving American customers. If you want to speak to or e-mail him, you must ride your bicycle five miles and lose half a day’s wages to find a telephone. Welcome to the digital divide. The digital divide is a fact of life for the 700 million rural peo...

    CIO Magazine
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