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  • The poor offer a rich business opportunity

    The poor are clearly a business opportunity for any sector, including banks, speakers at a session on agriculture and micro-financing at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry conference on ’Global banking: paradigm shift’ said on Wednesday. R V Shastri, chairman and managing director, Canara Bank, said, ’Financing self-help groups has proved beyond doubt that the poor are bankable. While the concept has established itself as a collateral substitute, it has...

    Business Standard
  • Cell Phone Standards In Global Showdown

    Developing countries are playing a more important role in the prospects of cellular gear makers. The No. 1 GSM handset maker Nokia on Thursday boosted both its revenue guidance and forecast for phones shipped during the third quarter, thanks partly to share gains in emerging markets. Telecom gear makers are lining up to supply developing markets. In the last year, Ericsson and Nokia announced new lines of low-cost GSM gear. Nortel recently said it too will focus more on developing markets...

    Investor’s Business Daily
  • Global Players See Great Opportunity for Retail Banking in Emerging Economies

    The number of ’bankable’ households with disposable income of more than $10,000 per year is expected to grow from 112 million to 122 million in the United States by 2008, Maughan said. Internationally, the number of bankable households is expected to grow from 349 million to 415 million in the same period. ’You get a chance like this once in a generation,’ he told analysts. ...

  • Its strategy for creating a ubiquitous wireless market stresses emerging countries — and rock-botto

    While Nokia will certainly benefit from dramatic growth in the mobile market, the emerging economies of the countries it’s targeting stand to benefit as well. Studies consistently find a strong link between teledensity -- the penetration of phone service -- and economic growth. For poor people, especially those in rural areas who are unlikely to get wired anytime soon, mobile service can shorten distances, open up new business opportunities, and even improve health care.&qu...

  • Rethinking marketing in emerging markets

    While adopting a different marketing model for a single emerging market may be perceived as problematic due to the high cost of adaptation, our research shows that market characteristics are common enough across emerging markets to justify constructing an ’emerging market strategy’. We began constructing this strategy first by interviewing managers at firms such as Cadbury’s, Coca-Cola, Nestl??, South African Breweries, Unilever and United Phosphorous about their experiences i...

    Business Standard
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers tests partners by sending them to work in poor nations

    PWC says the program, now in its third cycle, gives participants a broad, international perspective that’s crucial for a company that does business around the world. Traditional executive education programs turn out men and women who have specific job skills but little familiarity with issues outside their narrow specialty, according to Douglas Ready, director of the International Consortium for Executive Development Research. PWC says Ulysses helps prepare participants for challenges...

  • ?Sustainability’ fund emerges

    Innovest Strategic Value Advisers, the research firm, and emerging market specialist Rexiter Capital Management, have launched the world’s first ’sustainability’ investment strategy focused exclusively on emerging markets. The Dutch pension fund ABP, the second largest in the world, is the initial investor in the fund. Matthew Kiernan, founder and chief executive of Innovest, said the launch was a response to a rapidly growing appetite among institutional investors for products...

    The Financial Times
  • Businesses and Academia Unite to Bring Information To Underdeveloped Regions

    Whatever the acronym, the goal is the same: to dramatically broaden the spread of information technology to underdeveloped regions around the world. Companies and university researchers have launched a flurry of collaborative projects to design new computing and communications gadgets, some priced at $250 or less, to reach new users in India, China and other emerging economies. Read ...

    The Wall Street Journal
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