August 27

COVID-19 Impacts on Small-Scale Farmers Underline the Need for Building Resilience

While global food supply chains may be starting to heal from the COVID-19 pandemic, food and agri-business Olam International underlines the importance of addressing the long-term wellness and operational resilience needs of those small-scale farmers in emerging markets who provide much of the world’s ingredients and raw materials.

A survey undertaken by Olam in July of 2,400 of smallholder farmers growing cocoa, coffee, sesame, cotton, and other crops in Africa and Indonesia, revealed that more than half were experiencing shortages in basic food and nutrition due to movement restrictions, food price increases and insufficient stocks at home[1]. Ability to afford food was impacted with 70% of those farmers surveyed saying they had less income than usual in the prior four months.

Photo courtesy of A’Melody Lee – World Bank

Source: CSR Wire (link opens in a new window)

Agriculture, Coronavirus, Impact Assessment
food security, smallholder farmers